George Webb - Fifth Grade Dean - Middle School Wellness Teacher - About - McDonogh School-bet356

George Webb, Fifth Grade Dean, Middle School Wellness Teacher

Photographer: Rolando Martinez ’25

What inspired you to become a teacher? 

I actually never wanted to be a teacher. I always thought it was too important a career, and I avoided thinking about it. My first inspiration to check it out came from kids I worked with at the Columbia Teen Center, and then from my neighbor who taught in Baltimore. I looked into it, and 21 years later, I'm still here.

Why did you choose the subject area that you teach?

I chose to teach Wellness because it is the foundation of who we are as people.

What do you find most rewarding about teaching and working with students?

I find that making connections and forming relationships is the most rewarding part of my career.

Are there any memorable or impactful moments in your teaching career that stand out to you?

What stands out most to me is talking to students who have graduated and learning that I had some sort of impact on them along their journey. Teaching children does not often offer instant gratification, so it's important to remember that you're playing the long game.

How do you connect with and engage students in the learning process?

I keep it real and relevant. I use humor, and I don't take everything seriously. If you can make someone laugh or even smile, you've formed a connection.