巴里 Rollins - Retiree Tributes - McDonogh School-bet356

巴里 Rollins

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This quote from Maya Angelou, speaks to 巴里 Rollins, Director of Gift Planning and a proud member of the Class of 1974.

巴里 has spent the past 13 years friend-raising and fundraising for McDonogh --  and he is a natural. He is friendly, 群居的, and a good listener, but his sincere interest and care for our alumni are what set him apart. As one colleague says, “巴里 has a unique skill of making you feel instantly comfortable. I think that's because he always focuses on the person he is spending time with, rather than himself.”

巴里 has raised millions of dollars for scholarships, faculty and program support, new buildings, and the renovations to Memorial Court and the Dutch Eyth Baseball Field. He is also responsible for starting McDonogh’s squash team and leading them to several championships. 

While we are grateful for all that 巴里 has done to advance McDonogh’s mission, we are most grateful for his easy-going nature, 完整性, 同情, and kindness. He searches for the good in the bad, a hint of happiness in times of sadness, and reminds us there are always things for which to be grateful. 

巴里 also enjoys a good laugh. He marked the day a second-floor bathroom in Bowman House became his office with a poem entitled, “Ode to the Commode.” 

Although he is retiring, McDonogh will always have a special place in 巴里’s heart, as it has since he arrived in first grade. As some of you know, in his wallet is a copy of a science test given by the elder Mr. Smoot in the ‘70s. 巴里 couldn't believe it when he received his graded test and earned the only 100% in the class. That now-faded test has been in his wallet for more than 45 years, reminding him of the value of hard work.

In closing, I will quote from the writings of 巴里 Rollins, published in the 1974 遗产. He said, “I leave McDonogh with the thought of leaving my second home.”  

巴里, we know your first home will always be with your beloved family, but McDonogh is also your home and will always be here for you.