常见问题 - 夏令营 - McDonogh School-bet356


麦克唐纳夏令营 has been offering high-quality programs to the local community for over 80 years.

What is the camp's registration process like?
Links to our online registration are available on almost every page of the summer camp website. The process is streamlined so that parents may choose camps and bus service along with setting up payments.

Our camps do have age requirements for each specific camp. But if you feel your child would get more value out of a program outside their specified age range, feel free to contact the camp office to see if they would be willing to accommodate a change.

六个星期. The first day of camp is Monday, June 17, and the last day of camp is Friday, July 26.

Is camp closed any days during the summer?
是的, 营地周三关闭, June 19 for the Juneteenth holiday and on Thursday, 7月4日是独立日. 夏令营于7月5日星期五开放.

What should your son or daughter bring with them to camp?
Approximately two weeks before camp starts, parents will receive an informational email from the director of their child’s camp. If your child is attending more than one camp, you will receive individualized information from each director. These informational emails will include specific items for your camper to bring for the camps they are attending.

Is transportation provided to and from the camp?
McDonogh’s well-maintained bus fleet provides transportation to and from over 40 community stops in 巴尔的摩 City and Anne Arundel, 巴尔的摩, 卡罗尔, 以及霍华德县. 运输 is optional; the cost is $35 a week per camper. Families must sign up during the registration process for bus service to and from one of our community stops.

The routes are carefully constructed to be as fair as possible to all families involved. Group stops are utilized for our summer camps to provide greater safety when picking up and dropping off campers. Buses cannot be altered to accommodate "around the block" pick-up, nor can they be lengthened or altered for more individualized service.

Swimming is provided daily for the following six camps: Camp Red Feather, 红鹰营, 高级营, The All Sports Camp (not to be confused with individual weekly sports camps), 户外探险, 及网球营. All our other camps do not offer swimming as part of their daily programming.

Our infirmary is staffed by three nurses during the summer. If a child becomes sick or suffers an injury, our nurses will care for the camper and contact the parents or guardians. 

If you must cancel a camp for ANY reason before June 1, 2024, 您将收到退款, 减去每个孩子200美元的管理费. There are no refunds for any reason after May 31, 2024, 缺勤情况包括, 但不限于疾病, 家庭度假, 体育时间表, or changes in the camper’s personal schedule. 另外, no refunds will be offered if camp is closed due to "Acts of God" such as a tornado, 停电, 等., or for any reason that would prohibit the camp from operating safely. 

Bus riders and carpool families can start arriving on campus at 8:30 a.m. They will be greeted by counselors and directed to their designated arrival area. 早上8:55.m., campers will walk with their counselors to their first activity, and by 9:00 a.m. most camps will be starting their programming.

Lunch is provided to all campers between the hours of 11:30 a.m. 下午1:00.m. with each camp having a designated 30-minute lunch period during that time frame. Campers end their daily activities at 3:30 p.m. at which time they make their way back to the same designated arrival area. Carpoolers can be picked up as early as 3:35 p.m. while bus riders will begin to load their buses at 3:45 p.m. 到下午4点.m., all campers should be picked up by a parent or on a bus for dismissal.

Is the camp focused on fun or skill-building?
两者的结合. Our philosophy has always been fun with a purpose. So, while camp is designed for the ultimate fun experience, campers will learn a variety of skills depending on the camp they attend.

All our camp staff are vetted by our 人力资源 Department. This includes fingerprinting and the required completion of several online training courses. 另外, staff are required to attend our staff orientation day before the start of camp.

Are the meals balanced and are they included in the cost of camp?
All full-day campers receive lunch at no extra charge. The nutritious meals are carefully planned and prepared by our experienced food service staff that also serves the McDonogh students during the school year. Camp menus will be posted in early June and include daily offerings as well as information about nutrition, 过敏, 等.

是的, individual tours can be scheduled at any time during the year. Please call the camp office to schedule your family’s tour.
